Tungsten+PLUS™ Clearinghouse
A neutral, compliance-driven platform that ensures accurate claim validation.
- Eliminates duplicate payments – Bringing clarity and stability back to the 340B program.
- Ensures data privacy – Drug manufacturers can validate claims without accessing sensitive CE data.
- Moves beyond outdated claim modifiers – A solution that actually works.
- Future-proofed for evolving regulations – Fully adaptable to IRA and Medicaid changes.
The Future We Are Building
By leveraging Tungsten+PLUS™, we are setting a new industry standard—one that makes 340B transparent, accountable, and future-ready.
RxParadigm isn’t just another company in the 340B space. We are redefining it.
Clearinghouse is gaining rapid adoption among covered entities, drug manufacturers, and hospital systems, with state PCAs and major 340B gateways already onboard.